Communications to raise public
awareness about risks of living
with smart devices in the home
Saralani, A. & Aakvik, D. S
This bachelor’s report was produced at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) for the module DATA3710 - IT project in practice. The paper showcases how the group developed a communication tool in the form of a quiz designed to be more engaging for children to use.
The prototype quiz which was developed helps introduce the knowledge of what smart devices are in the home, and the risks that go alongside them. The gamification of the quiz through a scoreboard further compounded the engaging nature. Also, the group learned new skills in programming and JavaScript to achieve their prototype.
Quizzes can be used as an exciting and interactive tool for younger people to be more interested in a topic. The paper recommends that they be used as a tool incorporated within a website or broader application. The paper also suggests that these forms of communication tools would be better used in an introductory nature.